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The 25 rules for great internal communication and productivity
Newroco's internal communication guide is now available for all web development businesses

The 25 rules of internal communication in our organization do wonders for all members. Start with the how. Continue with where and end with a meaningful why and when. Our way of communicating delivers results and maintains a healthy working environment. 

Before we share them with you, let us underline their utility in any web development company. 

The coding world is thriving, now more than ever. Still, writing amazing code is only half the work. The other half is clear communication. When you work on a project, debugging an issue or presenting various parts of the work to stakeholders, the way to do it can lead to success or failure. It is that simple. 

In most cases, miscommunication in the software industry leads to missed deadlines, latent frustration, and even unsatisfactory work. A recent McKinsey report found an interesting thing that we only suspected: productivity improves by up to 25% in firms with communication guides, where employees feel heard. 


Let us communicate better, together:

1. Clear requests for help 

We use the S.O.S method to ask for assistance in different moments of project developments. It is important to obtain quick and effective responses when a member of the team is stuck on something. As a result, the S.O.S method is useful: 

S – State the problem as clearly as possible 

O – Outline what you have tried 

S – Specify where you need input 

Practical example to consider: 

You: “I can’t get this API to work.”

Response: “I’m integrating this API, but I’m getting a 403 error. I have checked the authentication, but the problem persists. What am I missing?”


2. You will communicate 

It is not in the realm of possibilities for communication to elude your activity. So, discuss the proverbial elephant in the room. Make it clear and quick, who has time for long stories?


3. Practice asynchronous communication most of the time, but leave some for real-time to solidify connections between colleagues. 

Practical example: 

  • Use Slack, Microsoft Teams and Zoom for updates on different projects; 
  • Use Jira, Git or Trello to leave comments; 
  • Use Loom to record videos about the project and specific features. 

A well-crafted message saves time for everyone. Instead of a back-and-forth conversation, provide enough context upfront so others can act on it immediately.” – Liam Martin, author of the book “Running Remote” 


4. Long-form writing is efficient in internal communication, with less meetings, unnecessary calls or video conferences. No more interruptions.


5. Use the full extent of documentation power 

You should not waste hours of decoding other people’s code. Implement documentation to eliminate the need for additional questions. So, keep your team aligned to the primary goal through detailed documentation. 

  • Practical recommendations:
  • Write clear commit messages 
  • Keep Readme file updated
  • Know and implement commenting best practices 
  • There was a recent study conducted by Stack Overflow that 66% of developers struggle one way or another with poor documentation. 


6. Allocate precise time to specific problems to develop solutions. Do not rush things or resort to judgment. Immediate answers will not work. Time is on your side.


7. Use visuals to explain difficult concepts (when possible) 

Some people respond well to visual aid. Others to written text. There are also developers with difficulties in articulating complex ideas in words. They do better with diagrams, wireframes (Miro, Figma are useful), screen recordings (Loom) or data-driven insights like Google Analytics or DevOps dashboards. Visual language is eternal, with deep ramifications in decision-making and project development. 

Visual storytelling improves comprehension by 400%.” Harvard Business Review 


8. Use meetings as a last chance of finding solutions. They tend to be intimidating to certain people, especially those that are introvert. Not everyone thrives in meetings. 


9. Write to express substantial decisions. Chatting doesn’t help. Human minds don’t work well with shortcuts. There is need of complete thoughts, critical thinking, and less chatting for hours and no end. 


10. Invest time to learn more about your audience 

As a developer, you might communicate with managers, designers, collaborators, engineers, and stakeholders. To this end, you need to use differentiate language.

Our practical examples to consider: 

Engineers need precise technical terms; 

Designers use their focus on UX and UX; 

Business individuals are orientated on impact and outcomes. 

Effective communication is about meeting people where they are. The more you tailor your message, the better your ideas will be received." – Dr. Albert Mehrabian, communication expert with the famous7 – 38 – 55 Communication Model 


11. Speak to people when they are near you. Write to the rest, it help a lot more. What is written assists those who could not be near you and those that will join your organization later on. 


12. Be clear! Use precise words because in some cases they can take turns in becoming something else. One person can understand them one way and another in a different manner. Do not doodle. People need to hear you and assume what you are thinking. 


13. Immediate answers are not the foundation for long-lasting results. In addition, do not make the mistake of expecting swift answers. Nobody wants that kind of pressure. If it is a real emergency then allocate the necessary attention to the answer. Avoid as much as possible toxic feedback. It can ruin your business. 


14. Be part of developer communities to learn the language 

If you are part of an online or offline developer network then you become part of the industry trends, whatnots and tech updates. The better you speak the language, the easier it will be to manage your teams. 

Practical recommendations: 

GitHub discussions for open-source contributions when needed;

LinkedIn IT groups for establishing solid networking; 

Conferences, public lectures, workshops to share, gain and engage with knowledge. 


15. Active listening skills can get you places 

For most developers, communication is a skill that needs nurturing. They might write good code, but they can also listen well. The key to long-term success is active listening. You have to listen to understand the other person, not just to RESPOND. Very important! 

Practical tips to apply: 

Ask open-ended questions like “Can you tell me more about the problem?”; 

Paraphrase the other person like “So that you are saying is…”

Do your best to acknowledge the other person’s point of view. 

"Active listening builds trust and reduces misunderstandings. It’s a superpower in any professional setting." – Julian Treasure, TED speaker on communication 


16. Pay close attention to the repeat habit. If someone asks you to repeat something, then you were not clear enough the first time you said it. 

Exception to have in mind: if you are talking about a brand new project, then you can repeat yourself to deliver the message wisely. Use repeats with caution because they tend to get annoying. 


17.  In most cases, mild or unclear communication leads to extensive work for all parties involved. Do not leave the communication aspect in the background. 


18. Small companies tend to well on the communication department. The “family” concept kicks in from the get go but so do problems with misinterpretations. Look for hidden issues that lurk in the dark. Such problems can affect the normal functionality of your business.


19. Explain complex topics as simple as possible

There is a strategy in teaching: start with simple to complex, from easy to hard. You can turn complex into simple for all to benefit. Break down complex topics by appealing to Richard Feynman’s technique: 

1. Identify the concept; 

2. Explain it in simple terms; 

3. Identify gaps and adjust; 

4. Repeat until it is clear. 

"If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough." – Albert Einstein


20. Keep your personal life out of the office. 

Personal problems tend to overcome professional work, if let unhinged. If you can’t do it, at least keep a work-life balance. Burnout is your shadow at work, due to frequent tasks and deadlines. So, you could learn to say no and set healthy lines of no return. 

Our practical recommendations to achieve this objective: 

  • Share status updates to let everyone know your plans. e.g: Deep work mode, do not disturb until 4 PM.
  • No more notifications after work.
  • Personal time keeps burnout symptoms out of the office. 


21. Thread carefully around the “Wait, what?” interjection. Always ensure proper context to address it. Also add spatial context.


22. Do not schedule communication with members of the team. Write to complete what you have to see but leave calendars for important discussions. 


23. The first thought that comes to mind keep it there. You cannot have an emotional response every time someone says something slightly irritating or in contrast with your set of solutions. Let the thought simmer, filter it and see what remains.


24. Consider how the other person will feel before you say something confrontational. Speak plainly and with compassion. This is a good way to obtain quality results.


25. Use time as a reference for communication. Nobody wants to see an email at 4 AM in the morning. They will start the day with extra pressure. In addition, don’t ruin the end of the program with a 5 PM email with long tasks. Why? Would you like to work overtime? Probably the answer is no. Communicate at the right time, the right content.

Communication skills are mandatory today 

Even those of us that cannot communicate well have the tools to become better. There are books, podcasts, specialists and apps that can help.

Use them wisely and overcome the fear of miscommunication. Why not be more than just a developer? With the right skills, you become a valuable team member and in time, a leader.

So, key things to take from Newroco philosophy:

1. Structure your messages; 

2. Use async wisely and document your work; 

3. Adapt communication and language to different audiences; 

4. Active listening and clear explanations;

5. Set clear work-life boundaries. 

Now you know how we improve communication at work but we are curious how you manage it. We cannot wait to read about your web development firm, and how you tackle daily communication. Leave your thoughts and tips in the comments section!