Digital Recording System
This is a private project, a private progressive web application developed for OxfordArchaeology to record on site data on hand-held devices so they remove the need to use pen and paper and then waste time by copying the data from paper to digital database in the office.

The biggest challenge is that archaeological sites are sometimes away from reliable internet connection, so the application should continue to work and allow for data entry when connectivity to the server is intermittent or even when no connection is available at all.
The application needs internet when first loaded, but then communicates with the server only when it needs to push or pull new data.
It was developed with hand-held devices in mind, so it adapts to various screen sizes.
It is designed to focus on data recorder’s needs, so it lets them record new sites, new contexts, even if the user can’t be verified as registered with the company. It will require login information only when there is internet connection and the data needs to be sent to server.

When the user logs in, they can claim records stored on device from other users that might have used it without internet or without a valid user ID.
Technologies used
Progressive web app, custom build using Laravel framework with PHP and PostgreSQL and VueJS.